So here are a selection from my FB (I can't put up any new ones cos Ron has my External drive, and the other pics are all in my external)

Taken at Ulu Kenas, Kartig wanted to be the ladies' man, but suddenly William appeared.. :p
Epic Fail
Epic Fail

OT group photo for the SMI LEAD :)

This is me taking a picture with Siew Wei, Carrine, and William to prove a point that I can take self shots no matter how many people. Of course, that's also because I have a great sifu *Tiing* :D

Ini Carrine, one of the cutest and bubbliest girls I know. She just recently asked me whether she should have Maggie Curry or luncheon meat with bread for dinner :p How can you not love somebody this cute?? :D

My two roomies during SMI LEAD, after they came back from jungle trekking. I wasn't with them because I was in the room.....sleeping....after waking up super duper early to prepare breakfast for them :D

This was at Melaka, during the SFI LEAD. To the far left is my saimui, and of course Lovena in the middle, who is the JIEN president :p

Here are the OTs, helping Isa to figure out how much weight he can hold up :D

My Moo Moo, that almost got kidnapped by Maybel, the resident little girl staying at the Brothers' Bungalow :p


After I came back from KL, going back to meet friends at uni. This was at the SDC booth, where they were looking for people for Swin Cup :D

CPAASC Undergraduate Business Conference 2009 :)

The customary pic, with the Vice OC, Lil, and the current CPAASC President, Mr. Ronnie Teo (the one Edwin dubbed has the most YB name out of all of us) hehe

with Adrien, who's name is supposed to be spelt Andrien officially :p itu tangan di belakang kepunyaan Ai Ling :p

during the CPAASC Appreciation dinner for the conference people :)

the four power rangers, kekurangan wk (who still won't admit he's a power ranger), and Kyra

the boys that were present that night. Other more incriminating photos are available on FB :p
that's all folks :p hehe..hope to have satisfied the pics quota for the month :D
im stalking you on your blog and i found me!
i dont wanna be cute can ah? i want hot and sexy. like angelina jolie kind. -_-
see you soon ya.
shit ter send twice. haha delete either one k. and this also.
i like spamming your comment box only
eh eh i intro you this blog.
alot emo and jiwang stuff one. but it gives you hope that someday you will find your true love. and also you are not alone.
and you dont pandai pandai post this comment on your blog ah. i will kill you.
lol...spammed so much ah my comment box :D i thought i so happening, so many ppl comment :p but see see is the hot and sexy Carrine 'Jolie' Gan spamming ny :p hehehe
thanks for the link!!! ^^
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