Monday, May 21, 2007


Miracle of miracles, I managed to get the pics from the memory card!!!!! so, here are a few pictures of Lilian's birthday party, her actual bday at McD, and our Business Information Systems presentation!!! Enjoy..
As usual, the three musketeers!!! =)

Me, Ge, and Lil

Introducing, our tukang sampah for the night... =p

mmmm....yummy steamboat....I love the seaweed and sotong. The soup wasn't too bad either

Shaman, waiting for the charcoal to burn for the bbq!! had pics of ron and wei khee as well, but not too flattering...=D

Brendan and Gerard, my La salle convention buddies!!!

Group photo!!!



Lil with her present...looks so happy!


Operasi mencari kutu

Both of us with baa baa the 2nd!

Ron me and lil and Baa Baa II

I love this shot! like david and goliath. only in this case, goliath is as gentle as a lamb...

The birthday card we gave to her

Ron playing hide and seek

haha...sha owes makes that face..


Lil, Me, Ron, and Kyra looking sleek in our working attire

as usual, we had to take a picture together.. ^_^

The ladies of the group

Me with Kyra and Khiu

The diferent footwear of our group

You know how when boy bands make the cover of their album or what not? they usually pose in different poses and each will try their best to look cool and aloof........notice the resemblance? ^.~

We went to Saberkas after that, and Wei Khee was seen with a backpack. A self professed non backpacker, we have caught him in the act

Then we went to stone Ice for Fruit rojak! RM 20 worth.. *cuts throat*

And also Ron and Wei Khee's Stone Ice special! I want the cup.. =(

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