Happy reading!

When we arrived at the SUTS Auditorium, there was still time to hang around and lepak, so we took a picture to comemorate our being there =p

Haha....after take food still have time to posing...

This is my plate....laden with food. No, I only took one helping. I'm on a diet you know....although you won't be able to see my point underneath that big pile of food.... =p

Haha......summore so clean my plate...diet konon O_o

Then after that, we had some fun!!!!! Balloons were tied around our legs, and we have to go into pairs, with our legs tied together and burst each other people's balloons. The last balloon standing wins!!

I had to pair with a guy I don't know....scary.......so at first, even though we were tied together at the leg (my right his left), we were walking practically one mile apart! How's that for networking? My leg is still sore from the tie...BIG bruise... T.T

Haha....apa kicking air......

But in the end we got so caught up in it, we even held hands! @_@ But that's just in the name of the game ar.... no think naughty naughty ar....

That's my balloon, me, our prize, and the guy...sadly,I didn't get his name. Apparently he's from China, cos he speaks with a Chinese slang...totally different with local chinese. Oh ya, the prize is two packets of Chipsmore, and one box of Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate. As if I'm not fat enough -_-"

At the end of the day, we all had fun!!! and besides networking with all the other club members, we had another networking session of our own! Hehe....
On another note, we had to play another game whereby everyone writes one question, any question they want to ask, and then the questions will be mixed, and one person takes a question, and they have to answer it. So, this is the Question I got:
When was your first time, and how was it?
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