Anyways, last Wednesday, our moo moo gang had one gathering in honour of Julian, since he's going away and all, and we won;t be seeing him for a while...who went? me, Ron, Cal, Bren Chin, Gerard, and the man of the hour, Julian Tang. LKC came for a while, but he had to go home early..later in the evening, Feli and Naomi came..
Nothing much to talk about, just that as usual, we were our crazy selves, and couldn't resist taking crazy shots. However, some of the shots were corrupted, so couldn't upload some of it..
When Lil, Ron and I went Xmas shopping, we also took the time to get a pressie for Julian..we decided to get him a moo moo, cos every moo moo member must have at least one moo moo =) After much pondering and browsin, we finally decided to get him this!
then we went wrapping paper shopping, and got him the oink oink wrapping since Ron is the most creative out of the three of us, we decided to let him bring back the gift, and wrap it..that night, he mms-ed me his finished product, and i wanted it for myself!! hehe
anyways, that Wed night, originally wanted to go Bing!, but too full, and we forgot to make a booking *takes menu and hits head* so we went to Tao instead. LKC ordered a Berry Frenzy, which is a yogurt smoothie, very nice *slurps* I got chocolate mint, which Feli mistook for her Chocolate Heaven, and drank one quarter of it. By the time the mistake was identified, she apologized, and proceeded to give me one third of her whipped cream. I am so going to have to exercise for two full days just to burn off the additional fat *longpiak*
julian receiving his bday slash going away present
presented by Calista
Bren then wanted to give the card
then the two of them decided to get a little whacked
the conjoined twins of moo moo gang!
Bren, Cal, and Ron
Peace to all!!
Posing with his present
wanted to take pic of the white caramel, but suddenly got one hairy leg..?!?
Naomi and Feli reacting to horrific headlines
Julian loves his present so much, he wanted to kiss it!!
Me, Gerard, and Julian
Julian decided to 'feel' his present before opening it
Ron and gerard with the present
table top of drinks, and hairy legs..hehe..
the three stooges!! yea!
In the midst of all our giggling and craziness, a few girls walked in, and they looked really familiar...after a few minutes of mulling over who they are, I finally realized who they seniors from St Teresa!! hehe..there's Hui Chien, Mildred Voon, and Susanna Tan. Sue was my RC senior (treasurer, I think), Mildred was the drummajorette (is it spelled that way?), and Hui Chien was the super smart girl from Sc 1...currently, Sue is finishing up in her Engineering course (forgot to ask which eng major, and uni -_-"), Hui Chien is now a working engineer in Australia (Sydney), and I didn't get to ask Mildred what she was doing..hehe.. *paiseh*
Me with my seniors, Mildred, Hui Chien, and Sue
Besides that, I also met up with Madeleine Law from Green fast time flies..I thought she just finished her SPM, but actually, she's been in Perth for a year!! unbelievable..This is what happens when you lost track of time the moment you finish high school. You feel as if you're the only one going through life right now, but actually life goes on for everyone. heh.. @_@
my swimming buddy, Madeleine
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