Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Fruitful Sunday

Sunday morning was spent in a most fruitful way..hehe…besides having breakfast at Ta Wan Kung (absolutely delicious noodles, located at Ang Cheng Ho road), we made a foray to Hock Lee Centre in an attempt to de-stress…and who did we meet there, but a China sifu! He knows how to carve names on stone, like those antique looking ancient China stamps, the ones like the ‘cop mohor’ the emperor’s have, and he also knows how to write names in the most compelling manner, using animals, and flowers as his motif…so exciting!

So to make full use of his presence here, my sisters and I took the opportunity to ask him to write out Chinese names…

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This is the artist at work..

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Voila! my Chinese name written in different motifs! Cool right?

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Little Bunny I saw at Sunday market

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